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Suko Waspodo
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The Awe Inspiring Great Nature

18 April 2024   07:00 Diperbarui: 18 April 2024   07:22 64
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beneath the azure skies, a marvel unfolds
nature's grandeur in its tales untold
mountains rise majestic, towering high
facing the sun with a resplendent sigh

forests dense, where secrets quietly lie
whispering mysteries 'neath the canopy's eye
rivers flow freely, their ripples play
hinting at a life that forever finds its way

the vast ocean, boundless and blue
holds a power unparalleled, true
waves dance and greet the winds with cheer
depicting a greatness ever clear

amidst the desert's silent expanse
a mesmerizing solitude does enhance
millions of stars adorn the night's embrace
narrating life in a tranquil space

nature, thou art an artist divine
presenting masterpieces in an eternal line
teaching us of life, of death, of all in between
all belongs to thee, boundless and serene

Solo, Thu, 18th April 2024. 6:53 am
Suko Waspodo

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